
Sunday, July 28, 2013

CDH Research


Last December we held a Facebook contest and you voted for your favorite Research Center to get a $10,000 CDH Research Grant. We were able to give away 2 grants for $10,000 each thanks to all your help selling 50/50 CDH Raffle tickets and thanks to 1 determined family who raised $10,000 in memory of their daughter! $10,000 went to The Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at CHOP and $10,000 went to DHREAMS Research Study (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia).

CDH Research Grant presented to DHREAMS at Columbia University


Our goal is to sell 1000 more 50/50 CDH Raffle tickets to raise another $10,000 and to work together to raise an additional $15,000 through fundraisers and firstgiving pages.

Think we can do it? Want to give $25,000 in CDH Research Grants this December? We sure do!!!

CDH Research Grant presented to CHOP


1. Purchase tickets at

2. Sell paper tickets by e-mailing us your name and address to

3. Hold a fundraiser by talking to our Fundraising Coordinator Melissa Larrison at

4. Create a Firstgiving Page in honor/memory of your cherub at

It's not hard to help! We had several families sell over 50 tickets each and we have had 2 families raise over $10,000 on Firstgiving and one who raised $25,000! If all of us work together on this we can far exceed our goal and raise a lot of money for CDH Research!

100% money raised through fundraisers and Firstgiving will go CDH Research Grants. 50% of money raised through raffle ticket sales will CDH Research Grants, the remaining 50% goes to the raffle winner. CHERUBS is not keeping one dime off of this project for any of our own funds. We want to end the year by funding CDH Research and helping to find the cause and prevention of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.

CDH Research Grant presented to Mass General Hospital


* The PERSON who raises the most money via fundraising or selling raffle tickets will win a 4 night stay at the Washington DC hotel where the 2014 CDH Conference will be held*** (valued at $500).
* The person who raises the 2nd most money via fundraising or selling raffle tickets will win 4 tickets to the 2013 Masquerading Angels Ball (valued at $400).
* The person who raises the 3rd most money via fundraising or selling raffle tickets will win will win 2 tickets to the 2012 Masquerading Angels Ball (valued at $200).
* The 5th - 7th place fundraisers who sell the most tickets will win a CDH Awareness T-shirt and 5 CDH Awareness Bracelets.

*** 4 nights in a standard room at the same hotel as the 2014 conference. Does not include additional travel expenses, meals, etc.