Look what September has bought the CDH community! 5 CDH projects in the Pepsi Refresh contest!!!!! 5 opportunities to make such a huge difference for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia!
We can't tell you all enough how excited we are about this!!! CDH families are posting flyers, posting all over the internet, wearing Vote for CDH shirts, dying their hair for votes, celebrities are helping us, colleges are helping us, the media is helping us, families are making videos for Pepsi, taking photos of their cherubs holding signs. This will be a month that will turn CDH on it's head!!!!! Not only with the Pepsi projects but with the CDH Research Bill and some other amazing news - this will be a month that none of us CDH families will forget! We are so excited and invite ALL the CDH community to join us!
Click here to vote for all 5 projects and some other great children's charities in the contest!
Here's what we can do to change the CDH world:
$250,000 for CDH Research - yes, you read that right! A quarter of a million dollars for CDH Research!!!! We've been sitting on a huge CDH Research database for 13 years and not able to afford to do anything with it! Now we can hire CDH Researchers (with years of experience!) to go through it, use and work with the CDH Study Group so that we can actually do something to help find the cause, prevention and best treatments for CDH!!!! AND this will allow us to be able to bring together all the CDH Genetic Studies (Boston, DHREAMS and Baylor) into contact with over 3000 CDH families as well. We've told families about these studies but now we can actually help them understand what they are about and why it's so important to participate in them. This is our chance to sponsor research and work with 4 amazing CDH research institutions to be able to save cherubs. Vote at http://www.refresheverything.com/cdhcherubs or Text* 102542 to Pepsi (73774)
$50,000 for CDH Awareness - more CDH billboards, posters in over 1600 malls across the country, more Save the Cherubs photoshoots and so very, very much more!!!!! If you haven't seen our Save Our Cherubs campaign, please take a few minutes to go see what we're doing! http://www.savethecherubs.org This campaign is bringing all sorts of awareness to CDH in the most adorable way! Vote at http://www.refresheverything.com/cherub or Text* 102365 to Pepsi (73774)
$25,000 for CDH Care Packages - have you seen the amazing things we've been doing with our CDH HOPE Totebag Project? We've mailed out over 200 totebags to new and expectant CDH families that include so many things needed when dealing with CDH; CDH Baby Books, Parent Reference Guides, Awareness items. And items that may be needed if cherubs earn wings; disposible camera, hair lock holder, handprint kit. Plus, so very much more. All with donations by our amazing members! Vote at http://www.refresheverything.com/cdhhopetote or Text* 102123 to Pepsi (73774)
$25,000 for Financial Assistance for Families - just this week alone we've had 3 families call and ask for financial help to cover their bills or gas to get to the hospital. With our $30,000 annual budget for all our services, we haven't had funding to be able to help families out like we want to. This grant would pay for hotel costs, airline fees, gas cards, food for families and more. The economy has hit everyone hard and we all remember what it's like to have a sick baby and to have to worry about bills too. Vote at http://www.refresheverything.com/cdhfamilies or Text* 101202 to Pepsi (73774)
$25,000 for Hospital Info Kits - how many of us received a diagnosis and no information? Or were told to terminate because there was no hope based on facts that your obstetrician got from outdated data? How many of us were diagnosed in utero but even our obstetrician didn't know what CDH was? Have you ever had to explain CDH to a pediatrician? Then you understand why this grant is so important! It will provide info to over 250 hospitals and will help 1000's of CDH families to get timely and accurate CDH information. Vote at http://www.refresheverything.com/cdhhospitalkits Text* 101211 to Pepsi (73774)
If we win even just 1 of these grants, it would make a HUGE difference! Not only in the funds to support the projects but in more CDH Awareness as Pepsi throws large press conferences and films commercials about winning projects. A CDH Awareness commercial could make millions aware!
We also have some great smaller in-house contests about to start tomorrow, where you can win t-shirts, CDH Awareness Kits or a Angel Ball package just for voting and recruiting.... all the while raising MORE CDH Awareness!!!! Keep up with our Facebook Vote for CDH page for details! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=123312954385123&ref=mf
The great thing about this contest is that you can go to one page, log in and vote for all these projects with just a few clicks. http://www.voteforcdh.org
It also lists were every single dime of these grants will go so you KNOW that your vote will make a real difference and we be used honestly and for the purposes we promised. And the best part - it costs nothing to vote!
CHERUBS is a public 501(c)III non-profit organization and all our financial info is transparent - we are the only CDH charity who posts our financial information on our site, including our tax returns, annual statements and IRS and State proof of legitimacy. Just 18% of our donations went to operation costs last year. No one at CHERUBS receives a salary, including lawyers. Our focus is helping CDH families as much as we can! http://www.cherubs-cdh.org
CDH Survivor Jason Collins!
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