
Friday, April 15, 2011

April 19 - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Daily Celebration

April 19 - celebrating Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness DAILY

April 19 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Daily Celebration is about 1 thing - raising awareness for CDH and the babies it affects. ALL are invited to join in. From any group, any hospital, any country! It is owned by no one, restricted by no one, profited by no one. EVERYONE can join in, even if you personally have not been affected by CDH! CDH hurts babies EVERY day of the year!
♥ This is the ONLY non-trademarked day set aside for CDH that ALL CDH families, charities and researchers can participate in!  It is a day set aside to raise CDH Awareness and encourage others to do so every single day. ♥

WHAT DO YOU DO? Just raise CDH Awareness! Be involved as much or as little as you want to be! Wear a shirt, hand out fliers, light a candle, let balloons go, send out an e-mail, wear a ribbon, hold an event, tell at least 1 person what CDH is - just do at least 1 thing to raise CDH Awareness!!!
Every family affected by CDH has their own Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness day - the day their child was diagnosed. The day that they became personally aware of CDH. We honor that and we promote CDH Awareness Daily.

In the past year, since CHERUBS and 1000's of CDH families have been able to use the term "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness" freely after winning the fight against the trademark on the phrase on April 19, 2010, we have raised CDH Awareness on an astronomical level.   CHERUBS has been on television, in numerous newpaper articles, several national contests, sold 100's of CDH Awareness items, enabled families to use free awareness graphics to get their own CDH Awareness gear, created over 250 personalized CDH Awareness ribbon graphics, submit the CDH Research Bill to Congressmen and found several co-sponsors, raised awareness at many events and conferences, created dozens of videos, included awareness in the CDH Baby Book, created the Save the Cherubs awareness campaign and even the first billboard.  All of this was made possible because we could use this phrase freely once again.

On the 1 year anniversary of this triumphant accomplishment for our children and the future of CDH Awareness and Research, we will celebrate with balloon releases, candle lighting ceremonies and more to raise more CDH Awareness, honor all children affected by CDH.

After several years of awareness being inhibited, we have a lot of catching up to do!!!!  We are working hard to make 2011 even better than 2010 to raise awareness and help babies affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.   Join us, wherever you are, in helping the cherubs!

25 Easy Ways To Participate In the 2011 CDH Awareness Daily Celebration
  1. Tell someone about CDH!
  2. "Attend" the CDH Awareness Daily Facebook Event Page
  3. Share the video above on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or your blog and tell others whatCDH is
  4. Use any of the graphics below on your blog, site or social media and tell others what CDH is
  5. Ask others to participate in the CDH Research Bill and sign the petition
  6. Use the above graphics as your profile photo on sites
  7. Wear a ribbon
  8. Wear a CDH Awareness shirt, hat or other item
  9. Make a video in honor/memory of your cherub
  10. Teach your children the CDH Kid's Song
  11. Add a twibbon to your Facebook or Twitter accountRelease balloons
  12. Light a candle
  13. Decorate a jar and ask a local store / restaurant to let you set it up until Mother's Day to collect money for CDH Research
  14. Start a Firstgiving page, ask others to give to CDH Awareness, Research or Support in honor / memory of your cherub
  15. Start a Cause page, ask others to give to CDH Awareness, Research or Support in honor / memory of your cherub
  16. Take CDH Awareness ribbon cookies or cupcakes to work
  17. Participate in the Save the Cherubs campaign by taking photos
  18. Put a sign on your car about CDH
  19. Contact your local media to share your story
  20. Let your cherub or other children wear wings all day to raise awareness
  21. Hold an event or fundraiser (car wash, lemonade stand, collect change, work with local restaurant, etc)
  22. Create a CDH Awareness blog or site
  23. Collect items for the CDH HOPE Totebag Project
  24. Donate to a CDH Research facility
  25. Adopt a CDH Hospital

1 comment:

  1. Reeces Rainbow has a child in their website listed for adoption, who has CDH.
    We are unable to obtain enough information on what to expect, prognosis, what type of resources we would need as a family, life expectance, any associated "problem" such as cognitive or anything like that.
    Would you be able to help. I guess the question is how is it different to parent a child with CDH vs a regular child
    thank you very much


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