Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 New CDH Bills In Congress - We Need Your Help!

We've spent a great deal of time at CHERUBS talking to our lawyers this week and also we Advisors have been very, very busy for over 2 months now.

We have 2 projects that we'd like your help with:

1. A Congressional bill for CDH Research funds (http://www.cdhsupport.org)

2. A Congressional bill making it unlawful for anyone to own a trademark on awareness of a health or social issue (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/cdhawareness)

CDH Research is obviously needed and we've been talking about this for a while... I believe it was first bought up years and years ago here at CHERUBS. Time to get moving on that!

The anti-trademark bill would be called "Cherubs Law" for ALL babies affected by CDH. It would not only stop this trademark on CDH dead in it's tracks but it would protect all diseases, birth defects, issues, etc from ever having anyone try to own and profit off of awareness again. This would also save 2 years of legal work by our (pro bono) lawyers and the other party's legal bills - and put more focus by all groups involved where it should be instead of fighting this ridiculous trademark - helping families affected by CDH. But FYI - the trademark legal battle will wage on until "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness" is free to use and raise by anyone.

Both bills are PRO-ACTIVE ways to help CDH families and babies NOW. They are positive steps to major CDH research and to keep all awareness free. Sure, we could write other pieces of paper or raise some research money ourselves - but CDH affects 1000's of a babies every year - we can't wait any longer on abstract awareness bringing research money down the road possibly. Maybe. Some day. CDH needs research now and at CHERUBS we're already doing that research ourselves in the form of our studies and we're promoting the research of hospitals. But wouldn't it be wonderful if the government gave those researchers millions to research CDH right now?

Both bills will be a cinch to pass in Congress - how could they vote no to either? We just have to get them to Congress.

This is where we need your help. We need a Congressman / Congresswoman to submit the bill. With 3000 members, surely one of you has some Congressional connections that would greatly benefit the CDH community and these babies.

If any of you have connections to Washington, please contact me at dawn.williamson@cdhsupport.org

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