Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Lizz LopezElizabeth Lopez

Elizabeth (“Lizz”) was born the youngest of 3 on December 28, 1972 in Burlington, NC. It was immediately obvious that there was something not “right,” since she was dark blue. Four hours later, after being rushed to Chapel Hill, NC to what was then UNC’s Memorial Hospital, under the care of a talented young surgeon who had luckily paid attention in his Pediatric Surgery rotation as a resident, surgery was done to repair the hole in her diaphragm and put all vital organs in their proper places, followed by a 6-week stay in the hospital. Luckily, there were no other complications and Lizz has lived a full and somewhat productive life.

Lizz and her husband Juan are the very proud parents of 3 daughters, all born perfectly healthy.  As an adult survivor who has never known anyone else with CDH until finding CHERUBS, she looks forward to bringing hope to parents of survivors and to grieving parents alike.

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