Amazon.com, Ebay and Goodshop (which covers all major stores such as Macy's, Wal-Mart, Target, etc), will all give back to help our charity.

To make it even easier, you can download the free GoodSearch toolbar! It is safe and easy to install and it makes it so easy to search on-line and to shop as well! And it helps stores to remember that you are GoodShopping for CHERUBS even if you forget to go through the GoodSearch site to go shopping! You can download it at http://www.goodsearch.com/toolbar/ Don't forget to choose CHERUBS as your designated charity.

We all search on-line. We all shop on-line. Instead of making money for the search engines and stores, let's use Goodsearch to divert some of their profit to our great charity instead!
All money raised through Goodsearch will go to our CDH Family Assistance Fund, to help families meet their financial needs while dealing with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
Please also invite your family and friends to Goodsearch too!
See who is auctioning off items to benefit CHERUBS at http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/cherubs-the-association-of-congenital-diaphragmatic-hernia-research-advocacy-and-support/42135/
Selling on-line? You can donate a portion of your auction to CHERUBS at http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/charity/cherubs-the-association-of-congenital-diaphragmatic-hernia-research-advocacy-and-support/42135/
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